What I Thought Comedy Was (Part 4) by Anthony Corvino

What I Thought Comedy Was (Part 4) by Anthony Corvino

Familial support. So you’ve decided to enter into a world of constant judgment and criticism? Have you consulted your family? You know, those three or four people that have formed the foundational pillars of judgment in your life. I’m sure they will have plenty to say, ranging from “Hey Anthony I think that’s a bad idea. You are not the funniest family member. I am.” to “Hey Anthony you’re a moron. Get back to work tossing pizzas and organ grinding.” I am well aware I am not the funniest person in my family. Even on nights where I may feel like the funniest person on the stage, I am not even no. 4 on the list of the funniest Corvino’s. Cosmo (the family dog) has been steadily creating a gap between me ever since he got that hilarious case of doggie diarrhea and has been sputtering soft serve for my father (no. 2) to clean up. They’ve formed a comedy team that I have since suggested take their show on the road.
Of course you will have one or two supporters in your own family. They will be cheering you on while carrying ulterior motives that one day you might let them ride your coattails when you ‘make it’ (highly unlikely) or fail horribly only to move back into the family home so you can spend Friday nights watching movies starring that woman that Jesse James was so mean to with your mother (comfortably likely). If you’re lucky enough, your family will come out to support you and your ‘craft’ but only on the nights where things go horribly, horribly wrong. This will be reaffirming for your family and their initial knee-jerk reaction that you would be best served going back to community college, interviewing for that full-time position at SEARS or worst of all, admitting that in your efforts to become a comedian you have ironically become the joke of the family.
But look at it this way, you’ll always have that story from that time you almost banged (talked to) that chick who told you she really liked that joke about how men do this thing and women have vaginas. You clever bastard, you.

Anthony Corvino

Anthony Corvino is from New York originally and is now a stand up comic in Wilmington, NC and an improviser with the Nutt House Improv Troupe.  You can check out his website here

2 thoughts on “What I Thought Comedy Was (Part 4) by Anthony Corvino

  1. Keep on fighting the good fight. There are a lot of things families will never understand, and more often than not, those things are about love. You’d think that by now, someone would have figured out how to understand matters of love and passion, especially where family is concerned. You will probably never make it, but make sure you have some laughs along the way. Stay at it.

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